We know that reducing excessive screen time for children is an important step towards promoting healthier mental and physical development. Dr Calbeck offers strategies that parents can use to manage and reduce their children’s screen time effectively. Dr. Kaia Calbeck’s psychology practice is located in the heart of Miami Beach, in Miami-Dade County. Contact us to learn more.
Excessive screen time has been linked to a range of mental health issues in children, including anxiety, depression, and attention problems. As children spend more time on devices, they have fewer opportunities for physical activity, face-to-face interactions, and imaginative play, all of which are crucial for healthy development. Dr. Calbeck emphasizes the importance of setting clear boundaries around screen usage. One effective strategy is the implementation of “screen-free zones” in the home, such as during meals or in bedrooms, which encourages family bonding and promotes better sleep hygiene. Additionally, engaging children in alternative activities, such as outdoor sports, reading, or arts and crafts, can help cultivate their interests and reduce the allure of screens. Parents can also model positive screen habits by consciously limiting their own device usage, thereby fostering an environment that values meaningful connections and active play.