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Anxiety Disorders: Understanding and Managing Chronic Worry

Chronic worry can be indicative of anxiety disorders, with a psychologist offering coping mechanisms, treatment can be effective in managing anxiety.Although anxiety can manifest as, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), post-holiday blues, financial stress from holiday spending, pressure to meet new year resolutions, anxiety disorders as a clinical condition do not necessarily have a straightforward or […]

Testing for Entry into the Gifted Program

Assessing a child’s capabilities is a multifaceted process that involves evaluating various aspects of their intellectual, academic, social, and emotional development. The goal is to ensure that each child receives an education that is tailored to their unique strengths, needs, and potential. Identifying gifted children is a critical step in ensuring they receive the appropriate […]

ADHD in Children: Symptoms, Interventions, and Classroom Strategies

Collaboration is Key. Effective treatment and support for a child with ADHD require collaboration between psychologists, parents, teachers, and the child themselves. It’s a team effort to create an environment that maximizes learning and supports the child’s overall development.

The Impact of Screen Time on Children’s Mental Health

We know that reducing excessive screen time for children is an important step towards promoting healthier mental and physical development. Dr Calbeck offers strategies that parents can use to manage and reduce their children’s screen time effectively. Dr. Kaia Calbeck’s psychology practice is located in the heart of Miami Beach, in Miami-Dade County. Contact us […]

Lack of Motivation, Lack of Support, Neglecting Mental Well-being

Developing and maintaining healthy habits is critical. A psychologist employs evidence-based techniques, such as reinforcement and cognitive restructuring, to help individuals establish, refine, and sustain healthy habits for long-term well-being. Dr. Kaia Calbeck’s psychology practice is located in the heart of Miami Beach, in beautiful Miami-Dade County. Contact us to learn more.