For your convenience we have launched our tele-health services. Schedule your appointment.

Rebuilding Trust after Trauma

Therapy can help people identify and address the source of trust issues. Being unable to trust can destroy friendships, careers and marriages. Learning to trust again is not impossible. Post-trauma, we assist in rebuilding shattered trust, promoting healing.

Empty Nest Syndrome: Coping with Children Leaving Home

Parents grappling with an empty nest can benefit from coping strategies by psychologists, ensuring emotional well-being. In separation, empty nest syndrome is normal: you are not alone. Some parents more susceptible than others.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: More Than Just Disliking Your Reflection

Some approaches: working on steering conversations away from appearance or what are seen as flaws. Avoiding trying to make someone feel better by talking about your own insecurities or flaws. Allowing space to talk freely and openly about feelings in a professional setting. Body dysmorphia’s deeper implications may need to be explored, beyond mere self-image […]

Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness

Public stigma involves the negative or discriminatory attitudes that others have about mental illness. Psychologists advocate for acceptance and understanding. When someone with a mental illness is called ‘dangerous’, ‘crazy’ or ‘incompetent’ rather than unwell, it is an example of a stigma.

PTSD and Trauma Recovery: Finding Your Way Back to Normalcy

PTSD victims have a journey back to normalcy post-trauma. There are a handful of PTSD types from Normal Stress Response to Complex PTSD. There are several options for treatment. Take the first step by scheduling an initial assessment with us.

Anxiety Disorders: Understanding and Managing Chronic Worry

Chronic worry can be indicative of anxiety disorders, with a psychologist offering coping mechanisms, treatment can be effective in managing anxiety.Although anxiety can manifest as, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), post-holiday blues, financial stress from holiday spending, pressure to meet new year resolutions, anxiety disorders as a clinical condition do not necessarily have a straightforward or […]

When is it OK to Lie?

The first time that a parent catches a child in a lie, it may come as an unpleasant surprise, but psychological research has found that lying is a normal part of childhood. In fact, it’s a developmental milestone.

Bullying and Its Psychological Impact on Children

The profound psychological effects of bullying on children can stay with a child for life, with psychologists offering coping and healing strategies. In most chases, the sooner the intervention the bette the outcomes.

Gifted Testing

Gifted testing by professional will identify exceptional talents, ensuring tailored educational experiences above and beyond what the Dade County School System may provide. It identifies you child’s unique strengths and learning needs, enabling tailored educational opportunities that foster their intellectual and personal growth.